Food for the needy

Firstly I would like to wish everybody on and off this Forum a very happy Christmas and a good New year Ihave written this piece as my feelings to Anonymous and Eve,regarding the food parcels given to the needy prior to Christmas.
I understand your sentiments,but I feel perhaps a little over the top of Anonymous,regarding people collecting food parcels and then going to market to buy clothes,and for Eve your dedication to animals is obvious,but they do have charity shops to help,the needy had no known help.
I think jeff and his staff did a really great job in getting the food parcels up and running in such a short time,as much as jeff gets very little praise from me,(in fact this could be a first). I wasnt there when the food was given out,I hope everybody who needed food got some,and yes perhaps a few took advantage,but hey at the end of the day it must of been great for the ones who really needed it.
Further than that,our Councillors idea od a cheap meal for the needy in the Social Centre looks like another good idea,I am sure that in the vast majority,the right people will use this,and the pariahs of society will find something else to do.
My personal feeling is this latest idea,must start soon although obviously very little will happen until after `Three Kings` But I hope it will start as soon as possible.
I do get emotionally involved in these sort of things,In I have a story to tell,albeit not now,except to say i am one of sixteen children whose Father was a Labourer all his working life,but as I say that is for another time
Last couple of things.Eve I was born at the end of the war but have always been told,that everybody helped everybody else during the war,Independance didnt come into it,you did what you did for others,perhaps it was different where you lived.But my family were londoners.And lastly to Anonymous,i gather the food distribution has been going on for a while in San Fulgencio and still goes on,which means the givers of food are quite happy with the end result,Yes the same people will turn up each dont often go from needy to comfortable in a week,unless you do the lottery and strike lucky

La Marina

Thanks fo the food

hope we gona survive
but we have no electricty

Commented elmirador.lamarina in La Marina 2011-12-25 19:13:20 UTC

Can you Imagine this?
The wife is looking at you with tears in her eyes the children are huddled together for warmth everyone is wondering how it came to this. Thanks to local generosity we do have some food but we cannot cook anything not even a hot drink!!!!! Plus this little family are your neighbours they only live a few streets away here on the Urbanisation.
I DO HOPE THAT THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN VOCAL SO FAR CAN GET TOGETHER AND FIND SOME ANSWERS? I am an animal lover but fellow human beings should at least have an equal priority one would of thought to our furry friends?
As said by other posters a quick fix is not what is needed.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-12-26 07:42:29 UTC

If these people have no electricity and no money then surely, if they are Brits, things are not going to get any better. They are not animals who can be re-homed with other families and with the best will in the world other people cannot pay there weekly bills for them. We are most of us living on a limited weekly income. If the government in Briton are on standby to get us ex-pats out of here if the Euro collapses then surely they are in a position to get these families out of here and back to England where they can get help.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-12-26 08:08:36 UTC

Eve ...
Please dont tell me you believe what someone has put above Ian in comment box. I think you will find that is someone taking the pi** out of a certain councillor or, the good people of La Marina (San Fulgencio).
You know my mum Eve she paid a visit to the Emaus childrens care home she said it was a good place but hearing that there two english sisters in there 16 and 9 years old the story behind them two is just so wrong but, so is every young kids story in there to.
All anyone can do is just help as much as they can.
I spend xmas eve in AJS bar, packed out Alex playing all sorts of music. They laid on a buffet but they asked everyone if they could put a few pennies in the childrens box, i didnt see pennies i see quite a few notes go in there. Point is everyone tries to do there best and everything helps.
Hope you had a good xmas dinner Eve.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-12-26 08:56:30 UTC

Well Anonymous,What can I say,but you appear to be one of the pariahs I was on about in my original comment,just ask yourself,what kind of kick do i get out of taking the p**s out of people,who after all are only trying to help those less fortunate than themselves,and when you tell your Friends about your comment do they laugh with you or do they laugh at you,
Now i have said what i think of you,it may be possible (but Highly unlikely) that you told the truth,In which I gather you have no electricity,because you couldnt afford to pay the bill. If that is the case why did you take the food that had to be heated,when you knew you couldnt use it,and why are you using your computer to put your comments oh here when you could of sold it and paid your bills.
If i am wrong and you need to pay this bill but cant,Then i promise that if you put a comment on here preferably with a name to it,with your e-mail address,i will contact you with the aim of personably clearing your bill .

Somehow I dont think I will need to get my Bank Card out.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-12-26 10:09:00 UTC

I know of a dutch family that has received handouts from in front of the church for many months while the social services drag their feet with beauracratic paper pushing and making them jump through hoops!

Commented Don in La Marina 2011-12-26 11:36:27 UTC

Andi i am not as stupid as you seem to think. Far from it in fact. I would be one of the first people to help anyone in genuine need but, I would have to know myself without a shadow of doubt that this was the case. There is no way i would help anyone who, for instance, was smoking or drinking, and i would want to know why people were in that position. If I am going to hand over any of my hard earned money then I want to know the need is there. I do know what it is like to be hard pressed for money. My first husband walked out on me and my 3 small children years ago, leaving me with £12.00 in my purse and an Electric bill for £33.00. I survived and my children never went hungry. No I did not have hand outs, I got myself a job in a factory, which I hated but, it paid the bills, and I was not dependant on Social Security.
Do I detect a note of sarcasm when you asked if I had a good Christmas Dinner Andi.

As for Emaus, I helped raise quite a large amount of money to pave their patio, and I have visited there twice. These children are well looked after by the young lady who runs the home and her helpers. They also get a lot of support from the people of La marina through Annette & Dave English. I would never refuse to give to a good cause, and i strongly resent the inference that I am mean.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-12-26 13:19:24 UTC